Fine Wine Merchant
01622 672 314
est. 2008
"We are committed to finding ways to make the wine trade more transparent, efficient and safe to help our wine merchant members to grow their businesses."
- James Miles
Co-Founder/ Director of Liv-EX

By using Liv-ex our members have access to the largest pool of buyers and sellers of fine wine anywhere in the world. Liv-ex has 650 trade members operating in more than 35 countries, accounting for in excess of 90% of the world’s liquidity for fine wine.
Liv-ex’s SIB contract eliminates the risk of buying wine in non-perfect condition. It is possible to buy wine under SIB contract which states that original wooden packaging in good condition, levels to base neck or better, capsules original and undamaged, no raised corks, labels clean and undamaged. (No stock re-imported or carrying strip labels from Asia, USA or non-European regions as well as merchant labels.)
Liv-ex is the most accurate tool for independently valuing fine wines. Our members receive a bi-annual portfolio appraisals, including an itemised valuation with prices taken directly from the Liv-ex exchange.
"We have found Liv-ex to be an invaluable tool in managing, trading and producing profits on our clients' portfolios."
- Lazare Morel
Founder / Director of Veblen Wines Ltd
For more information on Liv-ex please give us a call now on 01622 672 314.